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The Parents’ Association is the structure through which parents in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children. While all parents are part of the Parents’ Association, a committee is elected, every year, to manage the tasks on behalf of all the parents. The AGM is generally held in October. Our P.A. meet regularly.
Their aim is to
- Work with the principal, staff and Board of Management to build effective partnership of home and school
- Support the Principal and staff in the pursuance of school aims and objectives
- Find out from parents about the kinds of activities that will promote parental involvement and partnership for the benefit of the pupils
- Encourage parents to be active partners in the education of their children
- Faugher National School has an active Parent’s Association which is always happy to welcome new members.
- The Parents’ Association is affiliated with the National Parent’s Council.
- Link to NCCA website (National Council for Curriculum Assessment) www.npc.ie