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The Parents’ Association is the structure through which parents in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children. While all parents are part of the Parents’ Association, a committee is elected, every year, to manage the tasks on behalf of all the parents.  The AGM is generally held in October. Our P.A. meet regularly.


Their aim is to

  1. Work with the principal, staff and Board of Management to build effective partnership of home and school 
  2. Support the Principal and staff in the pursuance of school aims and objectives
  3. Find out from parents about the kinds of activities that will promote parental involvement and partnership for the benefit of the pupils 
  4. Encourage parents to be active partners in the education of their children
  5. Faugher National School has an active Parent’s Association which is always happy to welcome new members. 
  6. The Parents’ Association is affiliated with the National Parent’s Council. 
  7. Link to NCCA website (National Council for Curriculum Assessment) www.npc.ie
