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Faugher National School is a two teacher co-educational school. We currently have 40 pupils on roll ranging from Junior Infants to 6th class.
Our school is a Green School and we have achieved four flags and are currently working on our fifth for Biodiversity. We promote a healthy lifestyle and are working towards getting the Active School Award. We are a digital school and enjoy working on laptops and iPads and you can follow us on twitter.
Our school is situated in north-west Donegal. We are in Portnablagh, Co.Donegal which is between the towns of Creeslough and Dunfanaghy.
Our school is near Marble Hill beach and Ards Forest Park.
While Faugher National School is a school with a Catholic ethos, it also gives due recognition to children of all other religious beliefs and none.
We belong to the Dunfanaghy (Clondahorkey) Parish. Our chapel is called Holy Cross Chapel and our parish priest is Fr. Martin Doohan.
Faugher National School is a special place full of learning, laughter and friendship and where all children are happy, feel safe and are valued; enjoying a positive education
experience. We endeavour to promote the holistic development of the child including academic, physical, moral, emotional, spiritual, aesthetic, cultural, social and personal development.
Foghlaimid le chéile. We learn together.