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Faugher National School is a green school. We have flags for Litter and Waste management, Water, Energy Conservation and, our most recent one, Travel. We are currently working towards our 5th Green Flag, the theme of which is Biodiversity.
Our Green School Committee is made up of two students from each class in the Senior Room and also students from the Junior Rooom. The committee is run by Pauline O’Connor, our Senior Room teacher. The new student members are elected in September of each year by their classmates.
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Green Schools Committee for 2015/2016
Matthew Campbell |
Molly Ferry |
Ciarán Lafferty |
Tori O’Donnell |
Fionn Chernick |
Dara Harkin |
Abigail Mulrine |
Conor Stewart |
Cahir Doyle |
Leah Kelly |
Kate O’Connor |
Annie Sweeney |
Matthew Ferry |
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4th Green Flag for Travel
We have just received our fourth green flag for our work on the ‘Travel’ theme. As part of our work on travel the children learned about road safety. This is a particularly important topic for us as our school is positioned on a very busy main road and this has prevented us from actively taking part in walk/cycle to school events. We have tried to overcome these obstacles by writing to the council to ask them to reduce the speed limit outside our school and to add more signs to let motorists know that children may be walking/cycling nearby. The children attended two workshops on cycle safety and we had a speaker from the RSA talk to the children and demonstrate road safety. The children have completed posters, information sheets and poems/stories highlighting road safety. We had a quiz team enter the Garda’s annual road safety quick and their road safety knowledge was evident through the high score they obtained. We also entered the RSA’s Safe Cross Code dance competition. The competition gave us an opportunity to link all the work the children have completed on road safety and to present it in a fun and informative way. The children helped with the choreography of the dance and added some original features. Although we didn’t win the competition, the children had great fun making the video.
We also participated in a ‘Cycle to Surf’ day, organised by Jimmy McVeigh, our Green Schools co-ordinator. We cycled from our school to our local beach at Marble Hill where we then had a busy day surfing and learning about water safety. Everyone had fantastic fun and it was great to join in with other schools in our local area.
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