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School Photographer

The school photographs will be taken. Please ensure that your child is in full school uniform.

Half Day School Closure

School will close at 12 noon to facilitate Primary Language Curriculum Seminar

First Holy Confession

Our First Holy Communion children will be doing their First Confessions in Holy Cross Chapel, Dunfanaghy at 1.30pm.

Assessment Week

The  children from 1st to 6th class will be completing their standardised tests during this week.

First Holy Communion

The First Holy Communion will be celebrated in Holy Cross Chapel, Dunfanaghy at 12.30pm. All are welcome to join us for refreshments in the Ozanam Centre afterwards.

Assessment Week

The children from 1st to 6th class will be completing their standardised tests during this week.

Active School Week

The children will be taking part in our Active School Week.

Annual Sports Day

Our Annual Sports Day will be held at St. Michael's GAA pitch, Dunfanaghy.