

Ms O’Connor teaches the pupils in our Senior Classroom – 3rd to 6th class.

The classroom is setup with the learner in mind; it has bulletin boards/working walls where pupils can actively demonstrate their knowledge about any subject by answering questions posted on the board.  Boards are also displayed with historical, grammatical, scientific, numerical and geographical facts.  These displays are updated regularly to reinforce the curriculum learning objectives the children are working on. Children’s work is also displayed within the class and this is used as a learning tool.

Group work and talk and discussion are promoted within the class.  The children sit in small groups where collaborative learning takes place easily.

The classroom is well equipped with computers, laptops, an interactive and also an iPad.  The children really enjoy working with ICT and are given every opportunity to develop these skills, e.g. designing PowerPoint slides to present project work, Word Processing and editing their work – adding illustrations, interactive games , coding, etc.

Class routines are displayed and children are given the responsibility of helping with class organisation, e.g.  litter monitor, computer monitor, library organisation, playground patrol, reading buddies, etc.